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  • Writer's pictureDavid Clouston

Myself who is concerned about how others see me

My whole life I have been concerned about what others think of me.

This week I have been reflecting on this and I have been able to identify these thoughts more clearly.

I hold back and don't behave freely as I would like because I am afraid I won't be accepted.

I feel someone might laugh at my mistake.

These kind of thoughts have only limited my happiness.

This week I made some progress.

On Saturday night I went to an 80's dress-up for my friend's 40th birthday.

I prepared my 80's ski outfit and at the last minute I remembered I had some old Zinc (probably from the 90s).

I thought...

Should I put this on my face?

But what if I look stupid?

What if I don't apply the Zinc correctly?

I might look silly.

People might laugh at will be embarrassing.

I decided to take the leap.

I put it on and went to the party.

To my surprise people really liked it.

They complimented the Zinc and said it looks right on me.

It glowed in the dark as well.

So, that's it. I managed to overcome a mind of worrying about what others thought of me.

It's an on-going journey for me because it has been such a big obstacle for me.

Long live the 80's.

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