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  • Writer's pictureDavid Clouston

Open Mic Night - Portland Public House - Every Tuesday 8pm

A few weeks ago I joined the Portland Public House Open Mic in Kingsland, Auckland.

Open Mic is an opportunity for any musician to come up to the stage and perform a song.

Singing, acoustic guitar, keyboard, banjo, ukulele - whatever instrument you wish to play.

Eden Hawkins playing original songs at Portland Public House
Eden Hawkins playing her original songs

My favourite performer was a young woman, Eden Hawkins.

Eden played original songs.

"I loved Eden's music because she had great vocals that blended beautifully with her guitar playing."

She used a capo on her guitar creating a different sound. She used an effects pedal creating a reverb on her guitar or vocals.

There were several musicians playing a variety of covers and original songs.

One guy played a great country version of Tina Turner's 'Simply The Best' - that was cool.

I also got up and played three original songs on guitar.

Open Mic is a good chance to practice songs and play live.

I could try out one of my new songs as well.

I was hard on myself and thought that I didn't play well.

However, people were very encouraging and said I was good and that I should be proud of myself.

I must be a perfectionist 🤣

Open Mic is every Tuesday 8pm at Portland Public House.

It's fun to listen to people play live music.

Portland Public House



1 comentario

Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
31 ago

A video of David would be awesome 🤩

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