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  • Writer's pictureDavid Clouston

Revitalize Your Body and Soul: The Amazing Benefits of Cold Water Swimming - With Video Proof!!

This morning I went for a swim in the sea and stayed in for 9 minutes.

It's the middle of winter, so it's nice and icy cold! :)

But to be honest - it is amazing!!

I have been testing out cold showers for the last 3 months, which has opened doors and reset my body. After a cold shower, I feel rejuvenated and grateful.

Having a cold shower before bed helps me sleep better.

However, the morning swim is the real deal.

I wanted to show you proof of this so I recorded myself going in. This is an edited version of the 9 minutes :)

While I was in the water I saw a beautiful colourful parrot in the trees. The type of bird we don't see much in Auckland.

My mind was super alert and coming out of the water I felt revitalized.


With fresh eyes, my mind was awake and grateful after the swim. No need for coffee today!!

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