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  • Writer's pictureDavid Clouston

Self-Reflection brings Gratitude

Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life - Rumi

This week I was very busy at work and at times I felt really stressed.

While I had an online meeting with a co-worker, I noticed a lot of anger inside me.

And despite feeling great, excited, and grateful at times.

I noticed the foundation of my mind is negative.

I could see my selfishness a bit more and that I am afraid to give.

I could see how I protect myself.

I could see my behaviour I thought was 100% right was actually 100% wrong.

Being grateful brings happiness
Early morning sunlight brings gratitude into my heart

The beauty of seeing my dark side is that I can appreciate the world more clearly.

Many great little things happened this week:

  • Grateful morning exercise

  • Morning sunlight piercing through the winter trees

  • Beautiful clear days

  • I received a meal plan with new ideas to try (including overnight oats! Yum)

  • Ability to be with people

  • Ability to listen to other people I couldn't accept in the past

  • Truly enjoying being together over a meal

Maybe the greatest thing I have noticed recently, is the ability to listen to other people.

And once I actually listen, I learn things I never knew and feel closer to reality.

Overnight Oats
Overnight Oats (rolled oats, lite milk, frozen mixed berries, smooth peanut butter, Greek yogurt)

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